That is the question that is being bandied about these last few days.
Not the city but, the Automakers you say.
Thats just it.
The automakers are that city. The people who live and work and breath and make up it's lifeblood come from the big three.
If you let just one of the big three die, I've seen numbers that say that up to 2.5 million could lose their jobs, the results would be catostrophic.
The unemployment rate in this country would jump above 10% not long afterward.
Can we tolerate that at this moment?
So we can't let them fail at the moment.
But do we let them stay on their current courses, I say hell no.
Their upper management should be gutted. The cheif executives should be given their walking papers.
This is America.
We are the home of innovation not stagnation.
This may mean that this sacred of sacreds in America the American Auto Worker Union is going to loose it's shirt for American cars to become profitible again.
Too bad.
For too long the union has grown fat on large contracts. It has done well for its members but it has never looked to the longer term. It has never looked as what may be lurking over the horizon. Now that shortsightedness is bearing bitter fruit.
I fear in the end we are all going to have to pay a price for Detroits myopia
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