Here we are coming to the end of the one the worst Presidencies ever, and history be the judge when all is said and done. When all of the documents are collected and all of the bodies are buried, it will be said that Geoege W. Bush did this country a great disservice.
After 8 yearsof his presidency what has happened to our country?
We're broke.
Our Alliances were on the ropes.
We're borrowing money from the Chinese at an alraming rate
We're in two wars, one for no reason, the other worsening by the day & we're still no closer to catching Bin Laden.
Now he is sitting on his hands as Rome burns. Obama is Chomping at the bit to get in there. He is like the amped up tag team partner from wrestling fame. He's pulling at the ropes stomping his feet and pacing back and forth thowing his hands in the air to get the crowd involved. Why? Because that's all he can do.
Bush Was handed a golden oppertunity to transform not only America but the World. During the days after 9/11 the people of this fair nation cried out for leadership, we wanted to be told the hard truths, hell during those days we were willing to accept them. Bush could've sold us on sacrifice he could have sold us on service. He did none of these.
He sold a war without sacrifice.
He hid the coffins as they came home.
He sanctioned turture and rendition in foreign prisons.
He destroyed the hope that was America, Obama restored that with his election.
Bush was given a defing moment by 9/11. Obama now has his thanks in large part to President Bush. History in the end will be very unkind to Bush.
As it should be.