Mumbai (Bombay)
Young radicals, trained to kill unarmed people. How is it you can justify the killing of innocents for you cuase with the shedding of blood? How does that get you anywhere other than heighten the cost of the fight?
The idea I guess is to terrorize. To break the spirit of the people.
But this is India.
Mighty England couldn't beat India. Piddly ass Pakistan, or some shit ass splinter group that doesn't even have support of the government? Are you kidding me? You guys are just setting yourself up for a world of hurt.
India is about to open a can of whup ass on y'all before long.
You should not have pulled this tigers tail.
Sometimes the truth stares you in the face, but it is too painful, too powerful to accept. So we shove it away, we hold it at arms length. We make up lies to ourselves and to others. Until we have the strength to accept.
Can you beleive this guy? What a moron. He knew he was under investigation yet he still said these things, granted he thought they were over a secure line, but come on, have some brains.
The guy is a lawyer, so that means that at sometime in his life he had some kind of wits about him, what went wrong?
Senator Richard Shelby
Is out to scare you. His giant slicl delivery and southern accent do nothing to hide the fact that the man is a snake in the grass for the great state of Alabama. That forward looking state that fought against civil rights and currently is one of the fattest states in the country second only to Mississippi. Richard Shelby would have you believe that foriegn car companies are the way to go. He would tell you that American car companies should all fail, did I mention that he has vested interest in seeing Detroit fail?
The Japanese car companies set up in the south along with the Germans, and they don't have the problem of the UAW. This in turn has kept costs down. As a result the Republican party is now siding against the union once again. But stupidly it is also siding against America in the process in an economic downturn, and Shelby is leading the charge. Oh and one last thing, those foriegn automakers with plants in the south, all are heavily subsidized on our dime. We had to lure them here.
So don't let Shelby sell you a line about American car companies. Yes they suck right now. But they are worth saving.